Target Audience

Upper key Stage 2

Link to the National Curriculum

Sc4. Physical Processes (Light)

Children should:

“Design and make a periscope using the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain how it works”. NC notes and guidance (non statutory)

What you need

Shoe box, two plastic mirrors, rulers/ pencils craft knife*

*Adults only to use craft knives

What you do

See the video clip on my website:

This provides the child the opportunity to use his/her mathematical skills in terms of angles to create right angled triangles with adjacent 45degree angles in preparation for adult intervention in terms of cutting using the craft knife. Clearly this work should follow on from previous practical work relating to angles of incident and reflection from smooth shiny surfaces.

Practical group work for the children

Depending on the availability of additional adult supervision, the number of shoe boxes and plastic mirrors will determine how many children can be involved in this practical activity at the same time.

Children should also be given individual observation sheets to complete to consolidate their understanding of light and reflection from smooth shiny surfaces.

Follow up work

This would take the form of class or group discussion to consolidate their understanding of Light in relation to angles of incidence and reflection.

This could also be followed up in:

Physical Education lessons where a ball is kicked or thrown at a wall and it will be observed that the angle at which the ball hits the wall will be the same that it rebounds off the wall.

Design Technology: Challenge the children to construct the longest periscope and to discuss the potential problems that might occur from this exercise.

History: This work also allows for cross curricular links to historical topics such as the Second World War. o discuss the potential problems that might occur from this exercise.

History: This work also allows for cross curricular links to historical topics such as the Second World War.