Quiz Boards

Target Audience

  • Key Stage 2

Links to the National Curriculum

Sc 2 Physical Processes Key Stage 2 (yr 4)

Children should be taught to:

  • “ construct a simple electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including switches and buzzers
  • Identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery”
  • “recognise some common conductors and insulators and associate metals with being good conductors”


  • To use children’s knowledge of electrical circuits to bear in any project/theme in an exciting way
  • Quiz boards represent an exciting way to bring to fruition any work undertaken in any subject/ theme to a close at the end of term. It enables a child to revisit in his /her own way areas of knowledge /skills learn during the term.

Preliminary Activity

  • Clearly there has to be a degree of understanding regarding circuits before this work is undertaken, but taking into account developmental levels, many lower Key Stage 2 children would be ready for this challenge.

What you need:

  • Stiff card (depending on the size of the quiz board to be made)
  • Plastic coated electrical wire.
  • Wire stripper or old scissors
  • Quiz board tester*( complete circuit including two 1.5v bulbs and a bulb holder and crocodile end connectors)

* Quiz board testers will be made by the teacher and made available for the children to check the accuracy of their quiz boards

What to do:

  • Watch the video clip “ Quiz Board” on the website: www.practicalprimaryscience.co.uk
  • Initially children are challenged to make up questions / answers to topics /themes at hand. Younger children with have fewer questions / answers
  • Stick prepared quiz sheets to the quiz board
  • Write questions to be answered on the left hand side; answered on the right hand side ,but mixed up, not to match the questions
  • Holes should be punched in the outer edge of the card next to the questions and answers using a nail/ hammer and a block of wood/ or a hole punch.
  • Suitable lengths of plastic coated wire should be cut to appropriate lengths to match the correct answers to the questions. The ends of the wire to be stripped off plastic to 4 cms from each end. The plastic coating can easily be stripped off the wire using a school scissors. Grip the plastic coated wire firmly with the scissors while pulling on the wire and it will fairly easily come off, with practice.
  • A circuit tester comprising a battery, bulb, bulb, holder and two crocodile connectors should be already available to test out the quiz board made by the teacher

Group/Class organisation

  • Depending on the number of adult helpers and apparatus available the children should be divided into groups of three or four.
  • Clearly if apparatus and help is limited, one group at a time would undertake the practical activity, while other children would be involved in associated activities linked to the main theme.

How it works

  • Using the circuit tester (made by the class teacher) attach one crocodile clip to the first question
  • Attach the other crocodile clip to the correct answer. If correctly connected the bulb will light up as a complete circuit will be made.

Repeat this process for the other questions

Follow up work

• Children enjoy producing their own apparatus and designing their own quizzes from knowledge directly gained from their own investigations giving “ownership” to the work leading to autonomous learning.